Years of work expeirece
Why Education

Make your goals to help children

If we need to address healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment and human rights, there's no better way to start than providing education to children in need. Education not only empowers children to have a secure future but also helps them grow up as responsible national and global citizens. The Right to Education (RTE) Act which came into force in 2010 made education free and compulsory for all children in the age group of 6-14 years. But even a decade later, the learning curve has not been steady for many children in the country. The socio-economic conditions of parents and lack of proper learning in schools are hindrances which prevent many children from having education.

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What We Do

We’re here to help them

MS Public School flagship programme Mission Education works with the objective of empowering underprivileged children by providing education, nutrition, and wellness support.
4 Pronged Approach

Some Outstanding Activities

Improving Learning Outcomes

  • Curriculum Based Learning
  • STEM & Experiential Learning
  • Digital Learning Solutions
  • Sports and Extra Curricular Activities
  • Nutrition and Healthcare Support

Capacity Building of Teachers

  • Classroom Management
  • Subject Specific Knowledge
  • Child Pedagogy and Wellbeing
  • Teaching Learning Tools

Creating Enabling Environment

  • Infrastructure Development
  • Using Building as a Learning Aid (BALA)
  • Solar Panels for Alternative Power
  • Refurbishment of Classrooms & Science Labs
  • Setting up STEM Labs, Libraries, and Numeracy Labs

Community Engagement

  • Engaging Local Stakeholders
  • Parent Teachers Associations
  • School Management Communities
Impact 2022-23

Join your hands with us for a better life and future

Children received
quality education
Girl recevied vocational
training support
Children benefitted through infrastructure support
Girl recevied scholarship support for higher studies
Stories of change

What they’re talking about us

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